The Lace Curtains of Berlin

The Lace Curtains of Berlin

Author : Izai Amorim
Language : English
Category : Photography
Rights : World
Publisher : Izai Amorim
ISBN : 978-1494320263
Extent : 120 pages
At first glance the curtains do not look beautiful. They seem ugly, tacky, sometimes even barbaric, the textile equivalent to sauerkraut with bratwurst.
Looking behind windows on Berlin’s streets, Izai photographs the city’s ubiquitous lace curtains in hopes of piecing together the lives of its inhabitants. Originally conceived as a kind of archeological experiment, The Lace Curtains of Berlin is the graphic, nonfiction half of the Twin Projects: Berlin. Its fictional companion is the novel The Games. One of the novel’s protagonists is Rainer-Werner Sprengberg, who photographs lace curtains. These are “his” curtains.
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