The Power of Losing

The Power of Losing

Author : Cheng Kuang-Yu
Language : Chinese (Simplified)
Category : Self-Help
Rights : Southeast Asia
Publisher : Run Universe Publishing
ISBN : 978-957-13-6511-4
Extent : 237 pages

There is a famous Chinese proverb saying that “Being taken advantage will make you profit eventually.”


However, the author of <The Power of Losing>, Cheng, argues that it’s not true. Being taken advantage doesn’t make you profit “automatically.” You have to try very hard "twisting" the disadvantages into advantages. In this book, Cheng utilizes 49 examples in illustrating how losing can turn into profiting. If you bear in mind the four steps when being taken advantage:


1. Fully understand your relationship with the person who took advantage of you and the current situation in front of you;

2. Anticipate and pre-visualize the outcomes of your being taken advantage of while seeing through the essence behind their perspective appearances;

3. Think deeply about how to operate and reverse the “sufferings” into “opportunities;”

4. Promote/marketing your losings/sufferings and profit from them


You will always be a winner in life. By doing so, there will not be any losing or suffering in your life. Instead, you can always transform the bad into the good, difficulties into benefits.


Cheng utilized the same attitude and strategies and made him one of the few Taiwanese who could enter the headquarter of the United Nations and performed/emceed in front of the secretary-general, Mr. Pam Ki-Moon in 2015;


In this book, Cheng also provides methods in making you outstanding in other people’s eyes in the workplace, even though you are a shy person;


Even if you made mistakes at work, you could still utilize the knowledge and strategies to “fail forward,” which makes you succeed eventually.


In short, this book shares no cliché but the new-era experiences and wisdom in helping you to live a life in your dream.


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