Elite Creative

is a Bangkok-based boutique literary agency representing publishers and independent authors from all around the world

About Us

Elite Creative Co., Ltd.

Based in Bangkok, Thailand, Elite Creative Literary Agency represents publishers and independent authors from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Korea, the Philippines, Rwanda, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S. in Southeast Asia and beyond. We also represent established Thai authors and acquire Thai-language rights of foreign titles.
At Elite Creative, we are passionate about representation. Our strongest asset is our long-lasting relationships with all of our clients.


Partners & Clients

Book Good Come

Brown Bear Books

China Intercontinental Press

Clavis Publishing

Editorial el Pirata

Exisle Publishing

Ford Street Publishing

Grupo Edebé

Elite's Category


Hall of Fame

The Young Scientist Series

Nury Vittachi

Scientists are often presented as old men in white coats, but this series shows that great discoveries have been made by people of all ages and cultures -- some are young people, and many are female.

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Meet the Greats Series

Tim Cooke

Meet the people who changed history! These colorful books introduce readers to important personalities who made an impact on the world. Find out what they achieved and why their lives mattered. Accessible text, witty cartoons, and photographs combine in these reader-friendly biographies.

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Susie Singing and the Great Storm (Thai-English)

Andy Coombs, Sarah Scho

Susie Singing and the Great Storm has been sold as a bilingual edition (Thai-English)!

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Book Preview

Volunteer Woodpeckers

Julie Anderson

Birds live in this world right alongside us. We might know the names of a few species, but they’re not cats or dogs. How many of us really know them well? For children, flying is a miracle unique to birds. Children are curious about our winged friends, the way they fly, sometimes over extraordinary

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Woodpeckers Cooperative

Julie Anderson

How is it possible for a tiny little bird to peck a hole in the trunk of a huge tree? With ten hits per second, and force 100 times stronger than gravity, woodpeckers are one of the most interesting and inspiring members of the bird kingdom. They use their magnificent beaks and amazing strength to

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The Lake of the Woodpeckers

Julie Anderson

All the lakes of the world are drying up. A direct result of human dereliction, lakes and waterways on every continent are disappearing at unprecedented speed. These waterways are our future, yet they continue to evaporate before our very eyes. If the climate crisis is not arrested, our planet wil

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Life and Seed

Alex de Kauzo

Seed is the assurance of life and humanity’s future. It is important for children to recognise the value of seeds, as well the joy of planting and growing them. Lily grows seeds in the greenhouse she built in the community garden with her friend Jack. Now, she is teaching all that she knows about

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News & Events

Contact Us

Key contacts:

Pairat Temphairojana, Regional Rights Representative
Email: pairat@elitecreative.co.th

Sartika Dian Nur Aini, Foreign Rights Representative
Email: sartika@elitecreative.co.th

General Enquiries
Email: admin.elitecreative@elitecreative.co.th
Tel: (+66) 2-448-0312