Detail Book
Revised edition to be published in January 2021.
The Games is a humorous but dark, even mean, political thriller. This mother of all conspiracies starts slow but the action accelerates quickly. Good guys don’t win in the end because there are none. It’s a battle of evil against evil involving environmental protection organizations operating extortion rackets; terrorism without a cause; secret services running amok; global television networks manipulating the news; politicians and profiteers hijacking major international sport events; etc.
More than just humor and action in an international setting, this thriller exposes a dark side of our information age and reveals a serious political threat to our democracies: conspiracies to use information, communication, and storytelling to establish power structures not accountable to anyone.
Power without accountability undermines the principle of representative government by the people and for the people. Therefore, the relevant question in The Games is not “who did it and why” but “what if these things come to pass.”
The Games is the fiction part of the Twin Projects: Berlin. The graphic, non-fiction part is the photographic essay The Lace Curtains of Berlin. Both available as paperback and ebook.