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Suffering mother (Prueksa Mata)

Category :

Author :
Chanwalee Srisukho

Language :
Thai, English

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
224 pages

Dimensions :

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

"Prueksa Mata (Suffering Mother)" by Chanwalee Srisukho, a winner of the 3rd Chommanard Book Prize, is a deeply insightful non-fiction work that delves into the many facets of motherhood. Through the eyes of an experienced obstetrician, the book explores true stories of mothers from various walks of life. Using the metaphor of plants (Prueksa), which are life-givers in nature, the author draws parallels between plants and mothers, highlighting the nurturing and sacrificial roles they play. This book is not only a reflection on the challenges and joys of motherhood but also serves as a psychological resource for healing the complex emotional bonds between mothers and children.

Suffering mother (Prueksa Mata)