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Detail Book

The Discovery of the Dinosaurs

Author :
Jan Leyssens

Language :

Rights :

Type :

Pages :
64 pages

Dimensions :
8.27 x 11.42

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

The early nineteenth century. Mary Anning is only twelve years old when she discovers her first dinosaur skeleton while looking for fossils to sell. It isn’t just any skeleton; it’s the first almost complete Ichthyosaurus ever found. Over the next few years, more dinosaurs follow. Although Mary doesn’t get admitted to a university, her research would later form the basis for developing the theory of evolution, which made Mary one of the most important paleontologists in history.

The fourth book in a series about scientific wonder. Dreaming, daring, thinking, and doing. For little researchers ages 6 years and up.

The Discovery of the Dinosaurs
The Discovery of the Dinosaurs