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Yuyun’s Magical Bubble

Author :
Maya Lestari Illustrators : Darkest Fleur, Evieriel Primadani

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
34 pages

Dimensions :

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

Yuyun loved being outdoors in nature. When she moved to Bali, the sight of trash littering a beachside mangrove forest made her sad and angry. The trash came from nearby hotels, and the hotel managers didn’t care that it spoiled the forest’s natural beauty and threatened the health of the children who played there. Yuyun decided to find a way to clean up the mangrove forest and protect the children. She worked with the pig farmers and convinced the hotel managers to pay them to manage the waste properly, leading to a cleaner

Yuyun’s Magical Bubble
Yuyun’s Magical Bubble
Yuyun’s Magical Bubble
Yuyun’s Magical Bubble
Yuyun’s Magical Bubble
Yuyun’s Magical Bubble