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Detail Book

It's Time for The Jungle Banquet

Author :
Tanya Anderson

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
28 pages

Dimensions :
20.32 x 0.25 x 20.32 cm

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

It's time for the jungle games, and it's going to be the best jungle games ever! All the animals are excited. The hippopotamus is excited. The emu is excited. Everyone is waiting for the fun to begin. Everyone wants to win. Bang! The games have begun. Who do you think will win?

It's Time for The Jungle Banquet
It's Time for The Jungle Banquet
It's Time for The Jungle Banquet
It's Time for The Jungle Banquet
It's Time for The Jungle Banquet
It's Time for The Jungle Banquet