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Detail Book

The book of root chakra

Author :
Mansi Mahajan

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
36 pages

Dimensions :
8.0 in. x 8.0 in.

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

This series of 7 Books will take you and your child on a vivid journey through the 7 Chakras, which are the energetic centers in the body that determine our sense of well being. This book explores the root chakra which is the very foundation of the body and helps us feel “at home” through solid roots. Balancing each energy center through the help of each of the books has the power to transform the very experience of life itself. We welcome you to the journey of coming ‘home’ to yourself.

The book of root chakra
The book of root chakra
The book of root chakra
The book of root chakra
The book of root chakra
The book of root chakra