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Where Has All Poo Gone?

Author :
Lee Ji-hyuk

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
128 pages

Dimensions :
168 * 225 * 16 mm

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

 Is the World in Danger Because of Poop?

After digesting food and absorbing nutrients, the remaining waste is excreted as feces. It smells and contains many bacteria, so you can quickly flush it away and make it disappear from sight. However, it doesn’t simply vanish just because it’s out of sight. It must be treated and cleaned using large amounts of water and money, otherwise, it can harm the environment.

But even feces, which is now often disregarded, had its uses in the past. When animal manure was fermented and used as fertilizer, the land became fertile. People and animals ate the plants that grew on that land. This book highlights this cycle of waste. Can we all work together to ensure that feces is no longer seen as a nuisance to the world but as a contributor to sustainable development?

Where Has All Poo Gone?
Where Has All Poo Gone?