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Detail Book

Life and Seed

Author :
Alex de Kauzo

Language :

Rights :

Publisher :

Type :
Picture Book

Pages :
32 pages

Dimensions :
22.5 x 22.5 cm

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :

Seed is the assurance of life and humanity’s future. It is important for children to recognise the value of seeds, as well the joy of planting and growing them. Lily grows seeds in the greenhouse she built in the community garden with her friend Jack. Now, she is teaching all that she knows about seeds to children in the neighbourhood. Life and Seed teaches children about the value of seeds, the usefulness of composting, the benefit of gardening, and the importance of recycling.

Life and Seed
Life and Seed
Life and Seed
Life and Seed
Life and Seed
Life and Seed