Detail Book
So Different, So Equal
So Different, So Equal is a board book for children from 2 to 5 years old. This story helps children to learn about what diversity is and how to fight bullying at school. No one is perfect, and we must accept others as they are.
Lula is a little turtle who has just started in a new school. But she is surprised to find that her new classmates make fun of her because of how slow she is. The teacher notices and, through a game, makes them see that they all have strengths and weaknesses. He teaches them that no one is perfect and that we have to respect each other because, deep down, we are all as different as we are the same. At the end of the book, the word RESPECT is spelled out by the initial of each animal character in the story.
It's a highly recommended book for 2 to 5-year-old children, ideal to read the day before starting school. Children learn not to laugh at others. It's the anti-bullying book.