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Stop Being Wasteful! (Jangan Boros Dong!)

Children’s Books

Author : Ririn Astutiningrum Illustrators : Stephanie Valentine, Wenny Stefanie, Diva Stevina, Gadis Febriani

Language : English

  The book "Stop Being Wasteful!" is a collection of stories aimed at teaching children about the importance of frugality and resource conservation. Each story focuses on a different aspect of saving, such as water, electricity, paper, fuel, and money. Through the experiences of va...

Smong the Dragon

Children’s Books

Author : Maya Lestari Illustrator : Gilang Ayyoubi Hartanto

Language : English

 In a coastal village, Smong the Dragon wakes up from the seabed, causing panic among the villagers who flee to the hills. However, Banta, a brave young boy, doesn't run away. With the hel...

The River Warrior

Children’s Books

Author : Tyas Widjati Illustrator : Heru Setiawan

Language : Indonesia

  The Brantas River was polluted, with trash floating everywhere and the water smelling bad due to waste from a nearby paper factory. Prigi and his father wanted to clean the river and restore its natural beauty. Despite facing numerous challenges and threats, they persisted in their efforts...

Sharing Hope

Children’s Books

Author : Tyas Widjati

Language : Indonesia

  In Borneo, not every child was receiving an equal education. Alvian and his friends wanted to teach children there to read. But to do that, they needed to save money, travel long distances, ...

Yuyun’s Magical Bubble

Children’s Books

Author : Maya Lestari Illustrators : Darkest Fleur, Evieriel Primadani

Language : English

Yuyun loved being outdoors in nature. When she moved to Bali, the sight of trash littering a beachside mangrove forest made her sad and angry. The trash came from nearby hotels, and the hotel managers didn’t care that it spoiled the forest’s natural beauty and threatened the health of...