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The ChoiceMaker

Red Fruit

Children’s Books

Author : 이지은 (Ji-Eun Lee) Illustrator : 이지은 (Ji-Eun Lee)

Language : Korean

The story follows a young bear who wakes up early one morning and goes on a quest to find food. The bear finds a red fruit and enjoys it, but wants more. As the bear climbs higher and higher to fin...

Protect our personal information

Children’s Books

Author : Jung-Yeon Kang, Illustrator Lulu

Language : Korean

Bobo's family starts experiencing strange and intrusive events, like graffiti on their new house and unsolicited pizza deliveries, due to their personal information being leaked. With the help of Investigator Raccoon, they learn the importance of protecting personal information and the risks ...

Look Carefully at the advertisements

Children’s Books

Author : Jae-Won Kwon, Illustrator Sun-Hwan Jang

Language : Korean

Coco sees an enticing advertisement for a microphone on TV and decides to buy it. On the way, Coco meets friends who have had bad experiences with misleading advertisements. These encounters teach ...

Strawberry Price Go Up and Down

Children’s Books

Author : Jung-Yeon Kang (글 강정연) Illustrator Min-Jae Shin (그림 심민재)

Language : Korean

  Jenny and her father love strawberries and enjoy them in various forms throughout the day. However, they face difficulties as the price of strawberries fluctuates due to market demands and natural events. The book explains the concept of supply and demand, economic principles, and how exte...

Ants become Youtubers

Children’s Books

Author : Author Eun-Hee Na, Illustrator Byung-Joon Jeon

Language : Korean

  The book "Ants Become YouTubers" tells the story of an ant colony that decides to start a YouTube channel. They brainstorm various video ideas and learn the ropes of content creati...