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Axel and Ava as Cat Sitters (Axel & Ava)

Children’s Books

Author : Tuula Pere

Language : English

Axel and Ava Axel's neighbor has brought home a cat from the animal shelter. Axel and his friend Ava volunteer to be cat sitters, but it turns out to be more complicated than they expect.

Leo, the Little Wanderer

Children’s Books

Author : Tuula Pere,

Language : English

The wind magically whispers greetings from foreign lands into Leo's ear. Excited, the little wanderer sets off for a long journey. Along the way Leo sees many wonders of the world, and meets kind people who are willing to lend a hand, even to a perfect stranger. An old writer also teaches Leo...

The Healer Cat

Children’s Books

Author : Tuula Pere

Language : English

Celesse, the healer cat, is a highly respected member of the neighborhood. As the mistress's favorite cat, she spends lazy days in the warmth of the house. One snowy night a mother hare rushes ...

The Scary Snakes (Little Fears)

Children’s Books

Author : Tuula Pere, Illustrations by Catty Flores

Language : English

"Little Fears" is a book series about the various concerns that children can have. Sometimes, minor harms may grow into big worries if they are ignored. Fortunately, there are fun ways and gentle tools to handle such situations, often through play. "The Scary Snakes" is a book...

Mr. Cannelloni’s Circus

Children’s Books

Author :

Language : English

Mr. Cannelloni’s circus has been operating for gen- erations—ever since his great-grandfather started it one hundred years ago. But with ticket sales dropping and the circus equipment falling into disrepair, the future of Cannelloni’s Circus looks bleak, especially when a strict...