Kill Me, Japan

Kill Me, Japan

Author : Thanadda Sawangduean
Language : Thai
Category : Memoir
Rights : World
Publisher : Woman Publisher
ISBN : 978-616-510-715-0
Extent : 166 pages
The girls were all crying and begging Papa to stop. Papa was livid. It seemed he wanted to kick the life out of me. I was lying in a heap. I really thought I was dying. I remembered my parents. I kept telling myself I didn’t want to die. I couldn’t possibly die.

After 20 years in prostitution, Thanadda has seen it all: chronic gambling, drugs, honorable crime bosses, arrests and deportation. Now in compact and uncensored form, I Am Eri: Extra Spicy combines the best of I Am Eri with never-before-told anecdotes. Part confession, part travelogue, Thanadda’s latest will have readers turning the pages.

In place of idyllic snow and cherry blossoms, Thanadda finds herself among human traffickers and Japanese crime syndicates in the streets of Tokyo, Yokohama, and rural Japan.

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