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Ants become Youtubers

Author :
Author Eun-Hee Na, Illustrator Byung-Joon Jeon

Language :

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Publisher :

Type :

Pages :
21 pages

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ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :

synopsis :


The book "Ants Become YouTubers" tells the story of an ant colony that decides to start a YouTube channel. They brainstorm various video ideas and learn the ropes of content creation, focusing on responsibility, diligence, and creativity. The book is designed to teach children about digital media, the responsibilities of being a content creator, and the basic principles of running a YouTube channel 

Ants become Youtubers
Ants become Youtubers
Ants become Youtubers
Ants become Youtubers
Ants become Youtubers
Ants become Youtubers