Detail Book
Red Fruit
Category :
Author :
이지은 (Ji-Eun Lee) Illustrator : 이지은 (Ji-Eun Lee)
Language :
Rights :
Publisher :
Type :
Pages :
64 pages
Dimensions :
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :
9791160943832 77810
synopsis :
The story follows a young bear who wakes up early one morning and goes on a quest to find food. The bear finds a red fruit and enjoys it, but wants more. As the bear climbs higher and higher to find more red fruits, it encounters various obstacles and animals, such as a caterpillar, a squirrel, and a beehive. Despite the challenges, the bear persists and eventually reaches the top, only to find nothing. However, just as the bear is about to give up, it discovers an enormous red fruit. The bear excitedly reaches for it, but falls down, realizing the value of the journey and the fruits it enjoyed along the way. The story emphasizes perseverance and the joys of small achievements.